Friday 20 March 2015

Focus T25 !!

Hey All,

I thought would tell you about my new venture !!

I am not fit in anyway at all, especially since I have had the kids, I don't walk anymore lol.

So I thought I would try and get fitter and healthier in life. The reason for this is because, ever since I was a child I could eat whatever I wanted and not gain any weight. Even when I was pregnant I lost weight !!

But for the last year I have noticed a slow weight gain. I know it isn't much, when I met Michael I was a size 8 and 8 1/2 years on I am now about a size 12. But being honest a lot of my family are a little big, and I don't want to be like that so I am dealing with the issue early.

So I was sat there one morning, while the kids are eating their breakfast and me tucking into a greasy bacon sandwich, I saw the advert for Insanity. watching this advert I thought I don't have time for that I have 2 kids who keep me busy. flicking through a few more channels I see the advert for T25, it is the same makers of Insanity just compact into 25 minutes. I looked at my food my body and thought I need a lifestyle change !! I decided that 25 minutes isn't that much and I could give that everyday. so as I download everything, I downloaded Focus T25.

I have been doing this for3days now, I put all my energy into those 25 minutes, as it is only 25 minutes I at least could give it everything I have got !! At the moment every inch of my aches lol, But it is feeling better everyday, the first day was the worst, I didn't want to getup the next day lol.  But I did and I went at it again, I am aching less and less everyday.

I am going to keep a diary on here so you can see my progress.  It tells you to weigh and measure yourself before you start and then every week on the 6th day. My 6th day is on a Monday so I will leave my details on here so you can join in with me and see if this really works!!

I haven't weighed myself yet ( scared of the number ), but I will do this for the next update !!

Chest - 34 inches
Waist - 36 inches
Arm - 11.5 inches
Thigh - 24.5 inches

So every Monday I will post on here how I am getting on and what my measurements are, and hopefully we will see a difference!!

Bye for now


Friday 13 March 2015

To New Starts

Hey All,

SOOOO for my first official post I thought would talk a bit about what is going on in my life.

I have finally got my house sorted so we have now moved out of our family members house, and we have our own space.

We have now got Tyler settled in a nursery, and Dylan is just happy at home for now lol

We had issues with Michaels job, they told us his contract had ended where in Staffordshire, but then told us that they either had work in London, Manchester or in Yorkshire. With me being from Yorkshire, (they said it would be in my home city), so out of the choices we chose Yorkshire with having family there. We got a house but it wasn't ready, but they said they needed him ASAP, so we sorted it with family to live with them until the house was ready. When we got here they said the work was is Grimsby, which isn't in Yorkshire. So long story short they said there was no work for him.

 So we moved for nothing.

But it is all sorted now, Michael is working for a different company, and we have our house. Which means I get to spend more time sorting my blogs and hopefully create Youtube channels to match them.

So considering about 2 months ago we felt like our world was falling apart we are happy and healthy and can giveour2boysa great life !!

Bye for now xx

Sunday 8 March 2015

Back for Good !!!

Hey All,

I know I keep coming and going, but this time it is final.

I have finally got my house sorted we are moved in.

My first official post will be in the next few days, keep a lookout for that !!!!!

I am sooo glad to be back I will be posting on here regularly once I have sorted a routine I will let you all know. 

Don't forget to check out my other 2 blogs, Colourful World of Beauty, which is, as you can tell lol, all about Beauty & Colourful World of Crafting which is about anything to do with crafting.

Bye for now xx

Thursday 27 November 2014

Still waiting

I know I haven't been on for a few weeks. I have been trying to get our new house sorted.
We are currently living with family until it is ready to be lived in, that isn't including the decorating lol.
We moved thinkin it would be ready quite quick, but we have been here 4 weeks now and still waiting to move in, if I knew it was going to take this long we would have waited to move. 
I can't wait till we move in then I can start to get our life back organised and on track again. 
Once we are in I will be doing regular posts on my crafting blog on all the DIY things I do around the house, then I will be able to get back to regular booging on here and on on my beauty channel.

I will keep you updated on everything that is going on with the move, hopefully be in our own place by Xmas.

Bye for now 


Thursday 23 October 2014

Just over a week to go!!!!

Hey There

I cant believe it is only just over a week till I move !!!

Everything is packed, van is booked and everything is ready, if we could, we would be ready to move tomorrow. But we are not moving until next week.

Once I have settled I will be doing regular posts on all my blogs,
I will be posting on Colourful World Of Crafting, with all the DIY things I will be doing in my new house, craft projects with the kids, sewing/knitting/crochet projects.
I will be posting on Colourful World Of Beauty will everything to do with beauty and skincare, & fashion.
And I will bee making regular posts on here with everything thing else in life, such as recipes household tips, pretty much anything that doesn't fit into the other 2 blogs.

I will be posting on each blog regularly enough to make sure I leave a post on 1 of them every day, I will post my schedule for the posts on all the blogs so if you only read one, you will know which blog I am posting on when.




Friday 17 October 2014

New Life Plans

Hey There,

So we have finally decided that I am going to be staying at home when we get to Yorkshire.

Michael will work full time, while I try and make my blogs, YouTube, and online stores a success. This also means that I can work my businesses around my family life, and not the other way round.

I am so excited about all the new plans, we are looking at getting a 3 bedroom house so that both of the kids can share a room and I can have the smallest room to start my business in, so the kids cant touch anything.

With me loving sewing, I will be making things to sell, and I don't want the kids to hurt themselves on the sewing machine.

Once it is all up and running and sorted properly, I will take photos and put them on my craft blog, and when I have get our new bedroom sorted I will put them on my beauty blog.

I will let you know when they are up and leave links to these.

I am so excited about all of this, i have always wanted to have my own business and be my own boss, and now I can have this, and i get to be a mum at the same time and not miss out on things.

I hope you will all follow me on this journey, I might even make a vlog channel where I can document this !!

Love you all


Tuesday 14 October 2014

Nearly Empty House !!

Hi There,

OMG I have nearly got an empty house,

With us leaving in 3 weeks we have started packing most of the things that we wont need, like my prom dress and bridesmaid dress, all my ornaments, pictures.

Pretty much everything we wont USE in the next 3 weeks. I have packed most of the clothes just left a few sets out that I can keep washing,

My make up desk is now empty it is all packed except for a little case containing the basics for a natural face, I ain't wearing colour until we get the new house sorted lol

I cant wait to get settled I feel like my life is in limbo at the moment and does't know where it is going. it feels strange going back, we moved away because of issues there, now instead of forgetting about them and running away, I now will have to face all of this head on, WISH ME LUCK !!!

I will post more updates on here as we go on with the move,

Bye xXx